Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Porto Germano

We've just returned from a couple of days in Porto Germano. Our niece, Iliana's in laws had invited us down to their holiday home to share the Easter celebrations. Porto Germano is in the Corinth Gulf, north of Korinthos, and about an hour's drive from Athens. In the seventies, we would catch an ancient non airconditioned bus to this area to swim. These days, it was a BMW 116.

Greeks need two things to have a celebration, noise and food. The more the happier.

First evening, from the balcony, a standard but beautiful sunset. 

Of course we all went to church before midnight. Couldn't hear a word of the service, and everyone was waiting for the traditional fireworks. OH&S is not a big consideration here. Tick the noise box.

Like Hobart, the great combination of mountains and water. Hope you like the car, we did.

Still some wild poppies on the road side.

View from one of the decks of the "shack". Really lovely here early morning, and evening into the night. 

Mid morning,we headed into the village, to have an early coffee, and for some, a brisk swim. From our table at this cafe, we could watch the fish swimming among the rocks  beneath us. I'm happy to say I swam every day, despite the locals thinking it was freezing. It wasn't, it was mildly cool for a minute or so. Nice to have the water to myself, though.
Remember, I mentioned food. This is the last banquet of three, in two days. It was our host, Georgos's nameday. The chap in the yellow shirt is a retired Boeing engineer, married to a Greek lady, and now retired to Voula. We had a lot to talk about, and Ken was interesting company. Tick the food box, celebration successful!!

Show me the way to go home. It is here that the lady drivers can check their hairstyles, and touch up the lippy.

We had a great time in Porto Germano, and are very grateful to Maria and George for sharing their home and family with us. Now, time to pack and prepare for Spain. We have just booked our hotel for the first night. Originally it was Tarragona, but we found a much better deal in a smaller place called Peniscola. Nothing special about this place (I'm sure it will be charming), but we are heading for Granada.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear you braved the water Adrian - the beach looks irresistible. Did you manage a bike ride too? Jon
