Having a great time seeing the sights, they are still wonderful. Lots of eating and drinking, and having fun with the language.
Here's what happens when you leave your car in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Usually, it would go unnoticed (well, disregarded) for days. These chaps remove a car in minutes, one vehicle lifted onto the flat tray, another trailed behind. Wonder what the fee would be, certainly enough to buy a lot of cheese.
Quite a few of these around the town, a poignant reminder of less happy days, and the freedom we seldom give a second thought to.
Local trumpeter.
Now, a few car pics. This is the concept car at chez Renault..and, it's electric. Renault have several models of electric vehicles on the market, they are leading the way in this area.
How about this? 7000 euro gets you this four wheel electric vehicle, I think I could have one in the carport. Takes two in tandem, would be great fun for short trips around town.
I was surprised to see a Hairservices counselling room; this poor chap hadn't completed his recency record....no hope for him.
Here's what happens when you leave your car in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Usually, it would go unnoticed (well, disregarded) for days. These chaps remove a car in minutes, one vehicle lifted onto the flat tray, another trailed behind. Wonder what the fee would be, certainly enough to buy a lot of cheese.
Quite a few of these around the town, a poignant reminder of less happy days, and the freedom we seldom give a second thought to.
Local trumpeter.
Now, a few car pics. This is the concept car at chez Renault..and, it's electric. Renault have several models of electric vehicles on the market, they are leading the way in this area.
How about this? 7000 euro gets you this four wheel electric vehicle, I think I could have one in the carport. Takes two in tandem, would be great fun for short trips around town.
Another new model, electric, with a fantastic name. 14,000 euro, the government puts in another 7000 to encourage use of electric vehicles.
I was surprised to see a Hairservices counselling room; this poor chap hadn't completed his recency record....no hope for him.
Some say the French are all front, that there is nothing behind that fancy facade.....perhaps it's air-conditioning.
Was that Greg Russell in the confessions room?